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English Gyengénlátó mód
Széchenyi 2020
Hegypásztor Kör

Hegypásztor Kör


Elrajtolt a Vasi Hegyhát turisztikai applikációja!

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We are join the National Cyclist Friendly Association

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Welcome to our webpage!

Hegypásztor Kör was established in 1985 by a group of enthusiastic local adolescents is order to properly document and possibly preserve the old vineyard press house of monument importance in the outskirt of the settlement and to organise cultural events enlivening the life of the village. Lately, the organisation’s range of activities has already widened significantly. The strategy of the Association has been built on event management and rural development, boosting local product manufacturing and organising community events. The Visitors can enjoy the charms of living in the countryside in the vineyard accommodations in traditional environments. The association has already organised basket-work, straw-spinning, fuller and thatching courses, furthermore herbal education and ginger bread making have been added to the course offers.

The association also runs an open air school, where the main focus is on preserving traditions and getting acquainted with the natural environment. Our aim is to contribute to the attractiveness of the small region with raising the regional awareness.
The voluntarism plays an important role in the association’s life. Hegypásztor Kör operates the Volunteer Center of Vas County.

- A Hegypásztor Kör -

photos of daily life in Hegypásztor Kör

Who we are - a hegypásztor kör

The members of the association and the employees of the organisation have been working closely together to achive our goals.

Our activities contain among others touristic services, community- and rural development and the preservation of viticulture, posses the necessary equipments and scenes required for our work

Where we are

Oszkó is located in Vas county, in the heart of Vasi- hegyhát. The village is situated 35 km from Szombathely, 23 km from Zalaegerszeg, northwest of Vasvár. Oszkó is well accessible by road, however the village doesn’t have a railway station.

The main characteristic of the village is the winehill with small plots where the Hegypásztor Wine cellars are also located. 

Coordinates: 47° 2′ 47.51″ N, 16° 52′ 26.58″ E

Our offers

The fresh air and the quiet environment, the memories of the ethnic architecture and the orchards demonstrate the simplicity and purity of the rural life. In this peaceful environment we organize open-air schools involving teachers and experts and offer nature study,visual and  historical educational programs, handicrafts courses. Our offer contains almost 50 different.programs.


What does it mean to be a voluntary worker? 

You become a voluntary worker when by yourself or with companions, inland or abroad, regularly or occasionally you help other people or organizations of your own will for the common good, generally not for financial reward. 

Clink to the following link, and get information about our current opportunities for voluntary work:

Voluntary Programs

Events are very important in the life of our association. With the passing of time some of them became a recurring event, such as the tree tender day at springtime, or the event of Orbán-day at May, the common harvest and vintage, and our Martin-day gathering at November.

Clink to the following link, and get information about our current programs and events.



Hegypásztor Kör has been working since its establishment to launch social processes which guarantee the protection of cultural values. Participation in international and national projects help us to achive these goals.