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Our initiatives include international and national programs.

Many cooperating partners work together to implement these programs which help to achive our goals. These projects are among others:

-          development of our vine hill territory in Oszkó with the establishment of the accomodation possibilities and the introduction of the open-air school system

-          preservation of the cultural heritage of Vasi-hegyhát

-          improvement of the economical and touristic potential of the region

-           supporting the civil organisations in Vas county

MoreOur own initiatives

Folk camps- Grandpa’s House program

The Village Development Association and The Hungarian National Rural Network launched a Master- Servant training program in 2012 for students and young people who are interested in ethnic architecture.

Fruit growing program

With the leadership of Environmental Foundation "Göcsej" started an initiative in 2015 which aimed to establish a strong network of orchardmen in the Transdanubian region with the cooperation of 15 organisations.

"Fairy garden” („Tündérkert”) with native fruit trees in the vine hill of Oszkó

The history of our „fairy garden” started in 2010 when we bought 100 pieces native fruit trees from Gyula Kovács and they were planted in Oszkó by the children and their families who live or used to live in the village.

MoreNational initiatives


To support the collection, promotion, dissemination, preservation and care of national treasures and hungarikis.

Civil Information Centre of Vas County

The title Civil Information Centre that can be won by a national application is for those NGOs that undertake to support the non-governmental organisation’s work in their region for free.

HegyHÁTunkon a közösség

A projekt megvalósítására az oszkói Hegypásztor Kör alakított konzorciumot Olaszfa Község Önkormányzatával, Oszkó Község Önkormányzatával, Csehimindszent Község Önkormányzatával és Vasvár Város Önkormányzatával, a tevékenységek megvalósítása ezen öt partner összefogásával zajlik.

MoreInternational initiatives

Academy of Crafts 2

The main goal of the Academy of Crafts 2 project which was implemented in the the frame of SI-HU 2007-2013 program was to carry forward the results of the sucessful AC project, make a widespread connection between handicraft and tourism and develope more educational programs.

Academy of Crafts

Operational program Slovenia - Hungary 2007 – 2013. Operation part financed by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Project duration: 15 July 2009 – 14 July 2012

CCC project- Cultural Capital Counts (2011 – 2014)

Cultural Capital Counts was the name of a project that united 10 European regions from 6 nations.