Our Future - Vas county
A megyei identitás megteremtése az egyetemes emberi értékek mentén. A megyei közösségépítés fejlesztése. Generációk közötti tudásátadás erősítése, olyan programok, közösségfejlesztési akciók és folyamatok segítségével, melyek erősítik a különböző korosztályok közötti kommunikációt, együttműködését és közösséggé formálását azonos értékek, érdeklődési körök mentén.
Project ID number:TOP-5.3.2-17-VS1-2021-00001
Beneficiary name:Vas Vármegyei Önkormányzat
Consortium partner:Hegypásztor Kör, Vas Megyegyor Kör, Vas Megyei Wissenományos Ismeretterjesztő Egyesület
Title of the Project:Our common future Vasvár county
Contracted amount of support:350 000 000 HUF
Grant rate:100%
Project planned completion date:30.06.2023.
The aim of the project entitled "Our common future, Vas county" is to achieve the following objectives:
To transfer knowledge from the skilled workforce living in and moving to the county to the young generation, helping to create a process of career choice and self-care.
To prepare an action plan and calendar of events for the project by conducting a community discussion and community survey, according to local needs.
Awareness-raising: a series of programmes based on local and county knowledge and local and county values, aimed at involving the population as widely as possible in the living of traditions. Lectures, field trips, walking and cycling tours, workshops, community workshops. The themes of the events and activities will cover the following areas: traditional local fruit growing practices, local knowledge, regional walking and cycling tours/trails, county assets through the eyes of a photographer, community building and community development practices.
To organise a self-organised creative thinking camp, mainly involving students (architecture, landscape architecture, horticulture, marketing, tourism, community management, etc.), with the aim of providing new external impulses for the sites proposed by local communities, and at the same time to strengthen the practical professional competences and identity of the young people participating in the camp.
County identity content, idea tools and product development / County identity - marketing elements induced by historical research, PR tools to strengthen county identity through community action.
The strengthening of the county's identity and the expansion of knowledge will be implemented and operated online, offline and through contact.
Community actions to implement the garden projects.
For more information on the application: https://www.vasmegye.hu/szechenyi2020/kozos-jovonk-vas-megye/